21G Journeys..!!!!

When u find a bus moving like a snake on the busy roads with a small village hanging out in window panes, coming once an hour with rash driving u can sense it’s a 21G!!!!

Ever since august 2004 (That’s the time I entered my first yr college) this bus has been my life. Its been almost 3yrs now but I have never seen a good figure getting in. I term it as the vegetarian bus. But I don’t find the journeys boring all time bcos the bus travels en route the most important places in Chennai. Starting from My House, Airport, Guindy, Governors Residence, Anna University, Park Sheraton, Mylapore, R.K Salai, Beach and High Court. Without doubt everyday seems to be an adventurous one. Sometimes bumpy too. It will be blue moon day if I get a seat to sit. I could easily count the number of days I had sit n came. I have seen many Lufthansas', British airways, Gulf air, Emirates whistle past me, move beside me, above me and i would think of the day when i would be watching the world from the other end. Very soon.

And U must be really wary with the time u board the bus in the morning. U board the bus by 0800 hrs u will reach my college by 0830hrs. It’s actually a 30min odd journey. But u board the bus at 0915hrs u will reach my college only by 1045hrs. Blame it on the poor traffic around kathipara. Insane to say the least. The bus will be free sometimes in afternoons.

Sometimes its really scary to come in the bus for the way they drive beaming their loud horns. With many colored buses doing the rounds the government jus managed to cheat the public by sending deluxe buses. The public talk only about the buses but they forget that they pay more to use them for no difference except for the fact that the bus is new adding the back pains along. Think think..

With power steering now added to buses, life jus got easier for the bus drivers. With lives of many at peril its crazy to say the least. Nowadays I enjoy that too bcos I got used to it. It will be really funny to see the motorists moving away from the roads fearing the bus. Surukama sonna "Allu Kalangum". But then I have the same experience too when I drive the bike. So gets balanced. And the conductors pay no respect to passengers. A passenger will give Rs.100 for a Rs3 ticket n gets the balance in the form of crass language. "Kaitha, kasumalam kalangathale usura vanga vandhutiya.. elavu sillara ellam yen busla erura!!!!?!???!?" Ha ha.. Funny.. Apart from watching the movie posters on roads, umpteen no. of ads and slogans, hot air coming from engines, U will always have some entertainment in the bus.

U may board the bus in neat iron clad formals but when u get down from the bus u may wonder if u wore a wrinkled shirt. U come out like a crushed apple. Profuse sweating, totally exhausted and will get bored to attend classes. The calories which I got eating idlis in morning will get burned out in this journey itself. So i have this valid reason to sleep in class. Ha ha ha…

Well this is the bus I have cursed in the most cruelest of ways but then at the end of the day I forget it. I have no option but to board the bus the next day to my college..

Enjoy ur bus journeys!!!!


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